Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Challenge is Released

Today we learned what the point values for the missions in the Robot Game.   We watched the videos about the project and the Robot Game.  We were right on some of the mission models, but not on others.


Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Hi!  We are the FLL team 3PIC GENERATION!!!  We are a group of 5 people experienced and inexperienced in the FLL ways.

At this time we have the challenge name, which is World Class: Learning Unleashed .  We are building the mission models, but we DON'T know what the point value for each one is.

 Today we were talking about firm and hard dates.  Firm dates are dates that should be followed, but if needed can be changed a little bit.  Hard dates CAN NOT be changed, they are not determined by us.  Hard dates are things like the tournaments and scrimmages.  We decided on some firm dates to help us move along a little bit faster.

Something else we did was talk about was some ways people learn, like: school, online, parents, other adults, your coaches, friends and family, books and TV.  But one of our coaches, April, asked if there was anything else, but someone said there are infinite ways to learn.

Well that is it for today!

The FLL team,
                       3PIC GENERATION!!!

Monday, August 18, 2014

My name is Jordan. I am 14 and this is my 2nd year in FLL. I love to build and work with the robot, but I have trouble with programming.